




  1. 2025年科普:今天你必须要知道的公共域日


  2. 1月10日投票时间


  3. 爱迪生太阳探测器在它的近距离之旅中安全着陆


  4. NASA的Parker Solar Probe成功通过了太阳的“边界”——“太阳带”中的区域

    NASA的Parker Solar Probe是一颗探测器,它将飞越太阳并接近太阳的位置,以研究太阳及其周围的太空物质。这个任务旨在揭示与太阳相关的问题,如太阳如何产生热量和光线等。

  5. 2025年TikTok的成功登陆




source: https://www.engadget.com/social-media/donald-trump-asks-the-supreme-court-to-delay-the-tiktok-ban-235703094.html


2024 将于其时成为史上最热年份之一。

source: https://www.engadget.com/science/2024-is-on-its-way-to-being-the-hottest-year-ever-211524257.html


  1. 气候变化与极端天气:人类活动引起的气候变暖导致了2024年的极端天气事件频发。研究显示,全球气温上升、降水模式改变等都是其中的原因。

  2. 极端高温与暴雨:地球暖化导致热浪和干旱频繁发生,造成了严重的环境破坏。

  3. 气候变化对生态系统的影响

  • 气候变化加速了热带雨林和潘帕斯草原的退化。
  • 过度降雨导致了全球洪涝灾害。
  • 亚马逊雨林的干旱和森林大火进一步加剧了这些生态灾难。


苹果在欧盟(EU)停止销售iPhoneSE和iPhone 14。

source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35739/apple-pulls-iphone-se-and-iphone-14-from-stores-in-the-eu

苹果的欧洲消费者,从公司官网购买的iPhone 14和iPhone 14 Plus等款式已经无法订购,因为所有使用以USB-C为连接方式充电的设备都已经从商店中被取缔。根据最新颁布的欧盟法规,USB-C作为标准连接方式成为了手机、平板电脑及其他电子设备的标准充电接口。自2022年10月起,苹果公司就禁用了所有的使用USB-C充电的iPhone产品,并且该产品的所有版本都必须安装新的USB-C端口以适应新标准,以避免用户在购买时遇到问题。

黑客们把谷歌浏览器插件中的攻击者搞死了 - 互联网

source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35740/hackers-take-over-google-chrome-extensions-in-cyberattack


黑客在过去的几周内劫持了数个Chrome插件。根据 Cyberhaven 的说法,该公司的黑客袭击现在正在通过恶意代码入侵这些Chrome插件,并试图窃取用户数据,如浏览器 Cookie 和身份验证。黑客似乎特别关注获得访问社交媒体广告账户、特别是Facebook Ads 账户和AI平台密钥的途径。

据 Cyberhaven 报道,黑客已经将一个更新版的 Chrome 插件插入到已知的数十万个用户的Chrome插件中。其中一些 Chrome 插件有数百万用户。

Cyberhaven 发布了一则电子邮件通知来告知受影响的用户他们的Chrome插件遭受了袭击,并立即推出修复补丁。该公司在圣诞节当天即开始向用户发送更新的修复补丁,但修复补丁发布后的第二天就收到了一封提醒邮件,该电子邮件通知用户已经收到恶意代码。另外,一些 Chrome 插件也确认收到了黑客的攻击:Internxt VPN、ParrotTalks、Uvoice 和 VPNCity。这些Chrome插件有数千万用户。



source: https://www.engadget.com/science/space/blue-origins-new-glenn-rocket-completes-final-test-for-its-first-flight-140049935.html

蓝色起源的新登普顿火箭完成最后一次测试。这是其首次载人飞行的预演,预计在接下来几天内进行。 蓝色起源的新登普顿火箭已经准备就绪。公司已经成功进行了七次倒推测试,但最终将发射时间为 24 秒,这比预期的晚了一天。 新登普顿火箭已安装了7个发动机,总重量超过 40,000 千克,并配备了高达 45,000 磅的载货质量模拟器。新登普顿称这是其首次作为集成系统进行飞行测试。联邦航空管理局已经批准了公司对该火箭的许可。蓝色起源称该火箭是“巨型、可重复使用的火箭”,并说它是由安全性和冗余所设计,但它的第一架飞行将由公司员工驾驶。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行的最后一次测试。这是该公司首个载人飞行预演,预计将在接下来几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演已于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭已准备就绪。该公司已经进行了七次倒推测试,但最终将发射时间为24秒,这比预期的晚了一天。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行测试,预计将在接下来几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演已于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 新登普顿火箭的首次载人飞行预演于上周完成。新登普顿公司表示,这是其首个载人航天飞行测试,预计在接下来的几天内进行。


根据报道,《新登普顿》(New Glenn)于2024年12月31日完成了其首次载人航天飞行预演。这是该公司首个载人航天飞行预演,预计将在接下来的几天内进行。 New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end. New Glenn’s maiden flight, a space launch mission, will take place in the next few days. The New York Times reports that Blue Origin had to attempt the countdown several times over a few hours, but the company managed to ignite and fire the seven engines for 24 seconds in the end.


source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35736/yes-popeye-can-eat-spinach-everything-you-need-to-know-about-public-domain-day-2025

  1. Blackmail - The Great Masturbator

  2. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

  3. Red Harvest and The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett

  4. Laughing Boy by Oliver La Farge

  5. Is Sex Necessary? by James Thurber and E.B. White

  6. Is Sex Necessary? by Robert Graves

  7. Hallelujah - King Vidor

  8. Pandora’s Box by G.W. Pabst

  9. Spite Marriage by Buster Keaton

  10. The Broadway Melody (Oscar winner for Best Picture)


source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35738/trump-tells-scotus-that-only-he-can-save-tiktok-from-ban

尽管TikTok已在美国法庭上面临禁令,但美国参议院司法委员会的投票将于1月10日结束。然而,特朗普总统正呼吁美国最高法院在禁止TikTok的日期后保持这一禁令的效力。为什么?因为特朗普声称他有责任来解决与TikTok关联的国家安全问题,并且他还希望能拯救它免于被禁的命运。特朗普在白宫发表的声明中提到: “如果我能够拯救TikTok,那我就足够了。” 这表明特朗普认为自己有能力解决问题并拯救这个平台。然而,他还是想继续对TikTok进行监管,原因是他个人认为有能力和能力来解决这个问题,而且他也表示,在选举期间他没有在禁止TikTok的情况下退出竞选。


source: https://www.engadget.com/science/space/parker-solar-probe-survived-its-close-approach-to-the-sun-and-will-make-two-more-in-2025-180350510.html

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe successfully passed through the sun’s corona and survived its closest approach to the Sun in 3.8 million miles from Earth. It will make two more flybys around the same distance in 2025, on March 22 and June 19. The probe is scheduled to transmit its latest data soon once it has better positioning for transmission. The data will provide fresh information about a place that humanity has not been before.