- 个性化助手:Bee AI是一款主打用户个性化的AI助手穿戴设备。
- 生活建议:通过语音分析和智能匹配,可以收集用户的日志并生成生活建议。例如,根据个人习惯和偏好推荐音乐、新闻等服务内容,并提供个性化的购物清单。
- 设计上简洁明了,用户可以通过App查看生活记录、与他人交流、创建到访提醒。
- 在隐私保护上,设备不会存储用户的音频数据,仅保留对话历史信息和用户日志进行分析和处理。
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35929/the-ultrahuman-ring-air-now-comes-in-18k-gold-for-a-steep-price
Ultrahuman Ring Air Rare is a high-end smart ring with advanced tech like heart rate, skin temperature tracking, sleep monitoring, and stress-reduction features. It offers more premium packaging, a lifetime membership to UltraHuman X, and extended warranty access, but its price makes it out of reach for many consumers.
机器人吸尘器的种类越来越多,新的Ecovacs X系列已于近期推出。这款X8 Pro Omni不仅支持Apple HomeKit和Matter标准,还能与其他智能家庭平台兼容。它拥有强大的扫地系统,有200次每分钟旋转的滚轴式抹布,同时设备内部装有16个水龙头,以防止水滴进入设备。
该款机器还配备了超大的吸力:大约4,000帕的力气。此外,这款机器人还具备防缠绕和清洁能力,能有效避免头发打结等问题。它具有Ecovacs TrueEdge 3D传感器,可帮助其更好地适应不同材料的底板和边缘,提供更好的清洁效果。
智能家庭灵活性 Ecovacs X系列在CES上展示了一系列创新技术:例如,机器人扫地机Eufy不仅能在洗衣间、客厅等地方使用,还能用作手持吸尘器或带有移动电机的拾物钳。ECOvac还推出了一款新的机器人手臂,可以用来清洁衣物、地面和家具。
技术创新与智能家庭市场 Ecovacs X系列展示了如何通过创新来提高产品的性能和智能化水平。它在技术和功能上进行了深入的探索,并且在消费电子行业树立了标杆地位。
8 种震惊世界的科技产品在CES2025,我需要的都在这里。
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35923/8-mind-blowing-gadgets-at-ces-2025-i-need-in-my-life
Every day, in the world of technology, there are new inventions happening that change how we live and work every single day. In this article, I’m going to tell you about one of the coolest new inventions: the Segway Xyber. This is a personal electric vehicle that combines the capabilities of a race bike and an e-bicycle into a compact and powerful machine that can travel up to 6 kilometers per hour with minimal fuel consumption.
One unique feature of the Segway Xyber is its ability to roll on its wheels, which means it has no pedals. This makes it ideal for taking long rides without getting tired or distracted by other tasks like checking emails or using social media. The Segway Xyber also features a massive 2,880Wh battery that provides nearly 112 miles of range with just one charging session.
Another cool feature is the touch-screen display on its steering wheel, which makes it easy to navigate and operate even when riding in the backseat or on the road. The Segway Xyber can also connect to other devices via a mini-USB port, making it ideal for carrying things that need to be carried by hand like groceries or other bags.
For those who are interested in electric cars, you might know about the Honda 0 Series electric car prototypes which don’t have wheels. These designs combine the power of an e-bike with the performance of a race car to create a powerful and efficient vehicle for long-distance driving. The Honda 0 Series is also designed to be both practical and stylish, combining modern design elements like sleek lines and aerodynamics.
In conclusion, the Segway Xyber is a highly innovative personal electric vehicle that combines the capabilities of a race bike with the power of an e-bicycle into a compact and powerful machine. It offers several unique features such as rolling wheels, touch-screen displays, a massive battery, and connection options to other devices. If you’re interested in electric cars or simply want a modern design for your daily commute, the Segway Xyber is definitely worth considering.
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35924/you-can-track-the-los-angeles-wildfires-with-a-free-app
在洛杉矶,用户可以使用 Watch Duty(iOS / Android、网页版)以及安装到他们的设备上的应用程序来跟踪并了解多座危险火灾的进展情况。该应用名为 Watch Duty,是一款免费软件,提供了清晰且易于使用的界面,允许用户检查任何火场的位置,不仅限于洛杉矶。这款应用特别对 LA 火灾特别有用,因为它显示每处火场的灭火情况以及已经疏散的区域。仔细阅读如何使用。
source: https://sea.mashable.com/space/35912/space-calendar-2025-here-are-the-moments-you-wont-want-to-miss
NASA’s Artemis program, which aims to send astronauts back to the Moon by 2024, is on track for completion in 2026. The company aims to conduct several missions within that timeframe:
Lunar Gateway: NASA will launch an unmanned orbiter called “Gateway” into orbit around the Moon in 2023, providing a safe platform for future human lunar missions.
Intuitive Machines’ Future Missions: In 2025, Intuitive Machines (aka AstroMechs) plans to conduct its second Artemis mission, which will be named “Lunar Gateway” and involve the launch of a rover named “Terraformer,” with a subsequent landing on the Moon’s far side.
Intuitive Machines’ Future Missions: In 2026, Intuitive Machines is planning an upcoming future mission called “Apollo 5.” This will be a crewed mission to the lunar south pole, where astronauts will conduct the initial studies of the cold surface of the moon and its effects on the environment.
NASA’s Artemis Program: Despite the fact that NASA did not announce specific timelines for Artemis in its 2023 budget, it is set to complete the Moon Landing program by 2025 with the completion of “Lunar Gateway,” a spacecraft named “Artemis I.”
While these missions are significant and aim to support future lunar exploration, there has been ongoing debate about how much time NASA might need to conduct missions before landing on the surface. It is also not known if Artemis will meet all projected timelines or if it can be completed in one mission as planned.
For now, NASA’s Artemis program remains a highly anticipated and important space program that will likely influence future lunar exploration.
如果你的键盘可以像电脑一样拥有触控功能,那该怎么做呢?自动键是设计用于使你只需按一次就切换键盘、鼠标和数字板上的功能,只需要轻轻摆动你的双手就能完成。我试了几次,感觉还不错。然而,有明显的学习曲线,并且有时会出错。设计的目的很明显:不让手指从键盘、鼠标或者数字板上移开。但这个自动键并不只是电脑,而是可以装在同一个设备上的整个计算机系统。最底层是有一个Linux计算机,配有mini HDMI端口和USB-C端口。如果你能像用电脑一样工作,那当然没问题了。
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35919/the-best-smart-glasses-at-ces-2025-are-inconspicuous
CES 2025的智能眼镜已经成为智能眼镜的主流,AR / VR头戴式设备随处可见。尽管之前我们已经对这些智能眼镜进行了报道,但是今天终于有了全新的一代智能眼镜——XREAL One Pro和Chamelo。每款眼镜都具备独特的功能,比如能投影屏幕或智能手机图像的AR眼镜;而Halliday智能眼镜将AR功能融入到眼镜框上,用户只需通过镜头即可观看实时翻译和语音识别等功能。
从外观来看,Even Realities G1的设计显得更为简约时尚一些,但Halliday Smart Glasses却更加正式和传统,因为它们将AR功能融入到了眼镜架上,而不是屏幕下方。两者的设计都旨在减少智能眼镜的科技感,让用户更易于接受。
总的来说,这款新产品展示了未来智能眼镜的方向,无论是AR还是VR眼镜,均在向Halliday与Even Realities G1方向发展。
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35926/apple-opens-up-about-siri-privacy-in-wake-of-lawsuit
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35925/can-the-bee-pioneer-finally-make-ai-wearables-useful
一款主打用户个性化AI助手的 wearable AI设备 Bee AI,采用小巧的佩戴式蓝牙耳机作为听诊器,利用语音分析和智能匹配功能收集用户的日志并生成生活建议。它能够根据个人习惯和偏好推荐音乐、新闻等服务内容,并提供个性化的购物清单等功能。其设计简洁明了,用户可以通过App实时查看生活记录、与他人交流、创建到访提醒等。在隐私保护上,开发者明确表示,该设备不会存储用户的音频数据,仅保留对话历史信息以及用户日志进行分析和处理。