



近期,约翰·麦凯夫(John McAfee)的官方账号被复活。阿加莎·克里斯帕克撰文《阿加莎日记》之前曾使用X账户以更广泛的方式发布内容,如发表大量关于自己创办的AIntivirus和自己的AI版本的帖子,并声称自己是前约翰·麦凯夫的身份。尽管阿加莎的X账户与真实身份无关,但阿加莎与麦凯夫之间的关系变得更加复杂。阿加莎与麦凯夫之间的关系变得更加复杂。

NASA的视频显示在加拿大Prince Edward Island坠落的陨石撞击了门铃相机捕捉到的所有。Velaidum告诉 Mashable报道,该事件可能是第一个使用音频和视频捕捉的陨石,但是否为首个未被纠正的虚假信息尚不确定。Velaidum表示,大约69个已知空间岩石在加拿大大陆上被撞击了。太空中的陨石从家门口坠落。


马修·凯西(Maurice Fabien)回到死亡的路线上,来推广币元,X-技术elon musk

source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/36126/john-mcafee-returns-from-the-dead-to-promote-a-memecoin-on-elon-musks-x

近期,硅谷亿万富翁约翰・麦凯夫(John McAfee)的官方账号被复活。尽管麦凯夫自己因自杀于2021年6月1日与美国加州监狱合并,但他的X账户一直保持活跃状态。


在克里斯帕克撰写《阿加莎日记》之后,麦凯夫的X账户才真正开始活跃。他的官方账号“@officialmcafee”最早是在2021年11月发布的一次视频中,即所谓的"重生"一词。他声称自己仍然是前约翰·麦凯夫(John McAfee)的身份。他还提到,他在阿加莎日记中的发言是基于真实的经历,“我本就是John的后代”。然而,克里斯帕克进一步指出,麦凯夫的官方账号与他的真实身份完全无关。

尽管如此,阿加莎的X账户仍在继续活跃,并且有部分粉丝发现和模仿“重生”的内容。麦凯夫的X账户在阿加莎日记中的描述显示,他被复活成为了“AI版本”。而阿加莎的AIntivirus memecoin的市场价值已接近37亿美元。



source: https://sea.mashable.com/space/36118/a-meteorite-fell-at-their-doorstep-the-doorbell-camera-caught-it-all

NASA has confirmed the first video recording of a meteorite striking Canada’s Prince Edward Island. Velaidum told Mashable that it could be the first case of a meteorite captured with audio and video, but he doubts it will be the first one. Velaidum said 69 known space rocks struck Canada in total, more than half of them being asteroids from the main belt. The most common type is chondrites, made up mostly of silicates and some metals.


source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/36117/report-metas-fact-checking-program-failed-to-spot-most-disinformation





社区笔记即将上传到Instagram。以下是它的工作方式: - 聚焦

source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech-industry/36121/community-notes-are-coming-to-instagram-heres-how-theyll-work

  • 选择你的目标领域
  • 点击"关注者"和"评论"标签,以查看最近的热门话题或动态
  • 在页面顶部看到一个“聚焦”按钮,点击后将会显示一个滚动的列表。
  • 可以设置个人主页上的标题、背景图片等。
  • 制作你的个人主页,并使用它来分享你的想法和内容。 Meta 在发布Threads和Instagram后,正在实施一个社区笔记功能。一位前 Meta 软件开发者 Alessandro Paluzzi 的照片显示,在两个平台(Threads 和 Instagram)上该功能目前已经在进行中。他的截图显示,该功能在帖子下方的三个箭头菜单选项中可显示匿名社区笔记,如果其他用户为这个笔记打分则会将其公开发布。Paluzzi 说,这一选项是匿名的,有可能当其他用户为该笔记打分时才会将其公开,当发现有更多用户喜欢、点赞或分享这一内容时,就会将其公开;然而,他的说法并不是真的,因为 Meta 一直在尝试用事实来验证其内容的真实性,这与他所描述的一样。

《刺客信条:起源》(The Assassin’s Creed Origins)有小点适合所有人 -科技

source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/36124/assassins-creed-shadows-has-a-little-something-for-everybody

Shadows is a new game from Ubisoft, released by Steam. It follows the same story as Ubisoft’s 2015 Sydicate, but with a male assassin built for fights and a female one built for sneaking.

The main character, Naoe, has a grappling hook that can be used on vertical structures to move around, and she is also able to go prone during missions.

Shadows offers various gameplay modes including single-player mode which involves fighting through grassy areas using a katana, while the other characters are designed for sneaking. The game offers different enemies that are either damaged sponges or slower than Naoe’s stealth tools like the grappling hook.

The developers claim that Shadows is more challenging than previous Ubisoft games in terms of difficulty and content but it still seems well-constructed and has a lot to offer for fans of these games.

Overall, Shadows seems like a great addition to the Assassin’s Creed series as it provides a fresh take on the same game with different characters and gameplay mechanics.


source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/36123/phones-with-tiktok-pre-installed-listed-for-thousands-of-dollars-on-ebay

在U.S., sellers on eBay have taken advantage of TikTok’s uncertain fate by selling phones pre-installed with the app while the U.S. government is facing a ban on the platform. According to Wired, listings for smartphones with TikTok installed are proliferating on the marketplace due to the Biden administration’s decision not to apply any temporary suspension policies. On January 18, users were restricted access to the app via a pop-up message saying “A law banning TikTok has been enacted in the U.S.,” and Apple and Google apps stores now don’t offer download for TikTok. This led eBay sellers to take advantage of the situation by searching for listings that sell phones with TikTok pre-installed, such as iPhone 13 with TikTok installed, currently having 5 bids at a price of $10,000, and an older phone with TikTok pre-installed, which has also been auctioned for over $500 million. However, the mid- to low-tier auction listings are still in high demand despite their limited number of bids.


source: https://sea.mashable.com/space/36116/a-moon-bound-spacecraft-snaps-footage-of-earth-eclipsing-the-sun

美国火星车“蓝色梭子”载着一系列月球研究设备,计划在15天内抵达月球附近。它将在2027年3月登陆月球近侧的Mare Crisium,地点距离地球大约4,000公里。“蓝精灵”探测器将尝试在马里亚纳环形山区域着陆,并在那里进行测试。