ThinkBook Plus Gen 6 转卷的设备将实际运行,这是一款新的可折叠笔记本电脑。
智能移动设备(智能平板或便携式电脑):ThinkBook Plus Gen 6 Rollable AI笔记本电脑。
ThinkBook Plus Gen 6 Rollable AI笔记本电脑的折叠方式是"可瞬间扩大屏幕尺寸,提升操作效率和便利性"。
- Nvidia与联想合作推出了Nvidia RTX系列显卡
- John Deere公司推出了一款新农用设备
- LG宣布将发布新的智能平板产品
- Sony宣布将推出新款电视
请注意,以上内容是根据您提供的信息整理的,实际情况可能会有变化。如果您需要最新的信息或详细报道,请随时联系Tech World网站获取最新更新。
source: https://www.engadget.com/transportation/evs/honda-ces-2025-keynote-watch-honda-reveal-its-0-series-ev-prototypes-live-here-160037969.html
本田在CES 2025首次发布了其0 Series EV概念车,展示了自动驾驶和电动化技术。以下是展会的亮点:
- 搭载Honda新车型的发布会将于1月7日在拉斯维加斯举行。
- 概念车Saloon展示了简约设计和轻质材料,而Space-Hub则是一款迷你空间车。
- Honda将展示其最新版本的Operating System、自动化驾驶技术及SoC(存储控制单元)。
此外,Honda计划在2026年推出新款0 Series EV,并提供能量服务。
Instagram 删除了LGBTQ标签并将其标记为“性暗示内容”。
source: https://www.engadget.com/big-tech/instagram-blocked-lgbtq-hashtags-and-treated-them-as-sexually-suggestive-content-200808209.html
Meta has been blocking LGBTQ hashtags, including some that were hidden from search by default and those with sensitive content filters turned on. The company changed its “Hateful Content” policy after a user’s report that it was using this term in an attempt to prevent people from viewing political content. GLAAD is suggesting that the company’s changes are part of a larger effort by Meta to become more like X, which was a social media empire founded by Rupert Murdoch.
CES 2025高点:我们已看到的未来 - 技术
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35842/ces-2025-highlights-what-weve-seen-so-far
Live Coverage at CES 2024
Key Highlights:
- Robots: Samsung unveiled its Vision AI suite, featuring an advanced AI-powered TV operating system, which includes a suite of AI features for TVs.
- Robotics: Google also announced the new Gemini AI to TVs, promising that it will bring the benefits of cutting-edge AI technology to TVs.
- Smart Home Devices: Samsung has introduced Bespoke AI smart appliances, designed to help users with specific needs in their home environment.
- Smart Home Equipment: A Switch and a gaming laptop have arrived from Acer, which was showcased during CES 2024.
- Nature Cameras: The Petal nature camera features an AI-powered feature that allows you to communicate with plants remotely.
Live Updates:
- CES Coverage at Live Streaming: Stay tuned for live updates on the latest developments and products coming out of CES 2024. You can watch our coverage right here here.
- Real-Time Q&A: To get the latest news from CES, you can ask questions directly to your favorite tech sites. We’ll be live-streaming some of those conversations too.
- CES Product Live Stream: For a more detailed look at all the announcements and developments happening during the week, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, or our YouTube channel. Join our live stream to see how technology is shaping up in 2024!
Q1: What are the key developments that will be showcased at CES 2024?
A1: Key developments include Samsung unveiling Vision AI for TVs, Google’s Gemini AI for smart home devices, and Acer’s Bespoke AI smart appliances.
Q2: Can you tell us more about the nature camera from Acer?
A2: The Petal nature camera uses an AI-powered feature that allows you to connect with plants remotely using a smartphone app. It features an iris camera and infrared technology for communication.
Q3: Are there any new smart home equipment announced during CES 2024?
A3: Yes, Samsung is unveiling Bespoke AI smart appliances designed specifically for users with specific needs in their homes, while Google also announced the Gemini AI to TVs.
Q4: How can you get involved in the discussion about CES products and developments?
A4: Stay tuned for live streaming of discussions at our coverage section on our YouTube channel or by following us on Twitter and Instagram. You can ask questions directly to your favorite tech sites.
Stay ahead of all the latest updates with our live stream, and be sure to keep an eye out for the latest news coming from CES!
一加 13 正式发布,各大媒体纷纷报道,一起来看看网友的最新感受。
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35870/oneplus-13-arrives-what-reviewers-are-saying
在智能手机市场,从iPhone 16 Pro Max、华为P50系列到小米11和一加One Pro 13,最近推出的新手机都表现不俗。但 OnePlus的旗舰机似乎有其独特色。
根据CNET、The Verge、TechRadar等媒体的报道,《一加 One Pro 13》以其令人惊叹的电池寿命(高达899元)、出色的摄像头系统和合理的定价赢得了人们的喜爱。评论普遍认为,这款手机很有可能是“最好的选择”,因为它与苹果、谷歌和三星等厂商不太合拍。
然而,OnePlus在硬件配置方面也有一些小失误。除了令人印象深刻的电池续航外,该机还配备了三颗摄像头:一个50MP主摄,两个13MP超广角镜头。根据多家媒体的反馈,《一加 One Pro 13》能够拍摄出一些非常棒的照片。不过,由于电池寿命和充电速度的问题,许多人认为它的价格可能比苹果iPhone 16 Pro Max要高。
OnePlus One Pro 13的其他亮点包括优秀的摄像头配置(部分支持夜间模式)、出色的物理耐久力以及良好的耐用性。至于防水功能, OnePlus一加One Pro 13内置IP69等级的防尘防湿设计,可以承受一些高强度的水压冲击,但其最长的使用期限是7年。
总的来说,《一加 One Pro 13》在硬件和软件支持等方面都表现不错,但在价格和用户满意度上仍需谨慎考虑。
Nvidia宣布CES 2025技术
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35869/everything-nvidia-announced-at-ces-2025
谷歌在CES 2025的显卡发布会上展示了其新一代GeForce RTX 50系列。这款卡由92亿个晶体管组成,每秒运行3.35亿万亿次AI操作,并具有18TB/s的数据传输能力。Gigaom的Chance Townsend和Alex Perry对规格、可用性和定价等细节进行了详细说明,但请注意,“它就是一台机器”,Jensen Huang在发布会上说。此外,NVIDIA还宣布了RTX AI PC模型(CRONOS)、Llama NEMTOR世界基础模型以及其高级版本LLM Digits的开发进展。人工智能基础模型Digits“提供了NIM微服务,使用NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50系列GPU”,并以较低的价格面向小企业和初创公司出售,价格约为3,000美元。另外,NVIDIA还在向特斯拉等汽车制造商推出自主驾驶平台DRIVE Hyperion AV。
source: https://sea.mashable.com/laptops/35868/asus-unveils-the-worlds-lightest-copilot-pc-with-a-32-hour-battery-life-at-ces-2025
谷歌展示了其Zenbook A14笔记本电脑,这是其“Always Incredible”虚拟首秀中的最新产品。该款笔记本在重量上约为2.18磅(大约960克)。这款产品采用Ceraluminum与镁的混合材料制成,这有助于实现更轻薄的设计,并且具有更高的冲击、划伤和擦划防护性。同时,材料还具备了更长的耐久性和耐热性。
该款笔记本搭载骁龙870处理器,配备45GB内存和1TB PCIe 4.0 SSD,同时还配备了双风扇设计,保证机器运行高效的同时也不至于过热。另外,其电池容量达到了32小时在线视频播放时间及28小时网页浏览的时间,均达到预期。
除了上述的硬件配置外,Zenbook A14还提供了一块600尼特亮度的OLED显示器和一个Dolby Atmos音效系统,以及包括USB 3.2、USB 4.0、HDMI 2.1、3.5mm音频接口在内的诸多IO端口。此外,这款笔记本还在2025年春季前有新的配置版本即将上市,以供消费者参考。
洛娜CES 2025 最美的机器人,甚至比不上它—— Tech
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35861/loona-is-the-cutest-robot-of-ces-2025-and-its-not-even-close
Loona is an AI petbot powered by ChatGPT that charmed the packed media showcase in Las Vegas Monday night, zooming up to bystanders to say hi, react to chatter, pretend it’s in a wind tunnel, and play fetch with a ball. It’s one of two flagship products from KEYi Tech, a Chinese consumer robotics company — the other being a modular, programmable kit called Clicbot — which calls Loona the “ideal companion for families with kids.” The way Loona moves and acts is quite dog-like, but acting like the family pet isn’t its only purpose in life. It can respond to commands, expressions, and gestures; recognize different people’s faces; adapt to its owners’ habits; monitor their home when they’re away via a companion mobile app; and answer queries conversationally. When I asked it a low-stakes question about which toppings I should put on a pizza, it suggested basil, tomatoes, and maybe jalapeños (if I was feeling wild), then asked what other foods I liked. It was also able to “draw” me a picture upon request from a KEYi rep — basically just a kind-of-ugly generated image, but still. It has a two-hour battery life and puts itself to bed in its charging dock when its runs low on juice. Admittedly, I’m someone who gets the ick from robots that seem like they’re trying too hard to pass the Turing test or bond with me. I know those wiggly ears and that doe-eyed screen are designed to take advantage of my monkey brain’s instinctual penchant for cuteness . But at one point, as I was sitting on the floor of a Venetian ballroom, jotting obversations down in my notebook, Loona came up to me and head-butted my leg, asking for pets. It’s got me wrapped around its little wheel. That being said, privacy and data handling concerns are definitely top of mind — especially if children are regularly interacting with the Loona (i.e., training it on their behaviors). According to the KEYi website, “[as] much data processing as possible is done by Loona directly to maximize security & safety.” I’d probably want to know a little more before I set Loona loose in my house. Loona RETails for $449 on the KEYi Tech website, where you can bundle it with a game prop kit, a charging dock, and little crocheted outfits.
CES 2025:宝马Panoramic iDrive将确保你永远不会再错过导航提示。
source: https://www.engadget.com/transportation/ces-2025-bmws-vision-spanning-panoramic-idrive-will-make-sure-you-never-miss-another-navigation-prompt-192022046.html
奔驰的Panoramic iDrive系统是一款集成了屏幕和语音控制的全面导航体验。它结合了中央触摸屏、前挡风玻璃扬声器和自然语言处理技术,为用户提供统一且直观的导航界面。以下是其独特之处:
- 高度模块化设计:与传统方向盘相比,Panoramic iDrive采用了独特的模块化形式。
- 多功能布局:中央触摸屏覆盖了多种控制区域,包括车速显示、安全预警和位置信息等重要功能。
- 语音助手集成:通过Android Auto或Apple CarPlay的支持,驾驶员可以享受更便捷的导航服务。
总结来说,Panoramic iDrive系统不仅提升了驾驶者与汽车之间的交互体验,也为未来的新车提供了基础解决方案。
nvidia’s digits 是一台小规模的AI超级计算机,适合你家里的桌面——Tech
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35865/nvidias-digits-is-a-tiny-ai-supercomputer-for-your-desk
近日,谷歌宣布推出Digits(Digits),这是一个超小的Mac mini个人电脑,能够放在桌子上。它配备了键盘和显示器,连接到电源并运行系统后即能使用。Digits采用Nvidia GB10 Grace Blackwell Superchip,性能可达到每秒万亿次浮点运算。此外,Digits支持高达4TB NVMe存储,开发人员可以轻松构建20亿参数的大型语言模型(LLM)。NVIDIA ConnectX技术使开发者能够运行多达405亿参数的模型,并与Digits计算机组建最大规模的AI模型。
CES 2025: 如何购买XREAL One Pro AR眼镜 - 技术
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35864/ces-2025-how-to-buy-the-xreal-one-pro-ar-glasses
CES 2025的XREAL One Pro AR眼镜已经预购,售价为$599。该产品具有先进的芯片组、更大的视野、更高的亮度和更轻便的设计,提供用户一个沉浸式的和可定制的体验,远超出其前一代AR眼镜。CES 2025展示了许多激动人心的新技术,但对于寻求增强的娱乐、生产力和游戏AR能力的产品,XREAL的 offer 应该是有价值考虑的。您现在可以预购 XREAL One Pro AR眼镜 —— 它预计将在2025年3月之前发货。美团智能媒体团队正在 CES 2025 展会上进行现场直播!
ThinkBook Plus Gen 6 转卷可以实际运作的机型。
source: https://www.engadget.com/computing/laptops/the-thinkbook-plus-gen-6-rollable-is-a-crazy-concept-made-real-162813649.html
尽管ThinkBook Gen 6 等高端笔记本的屏幕是相当大的,但是为了达到预期的效果,联想将ThinkBook Gen 6 作为入门级产品销售。
戴尔在CES上展示的烤箱和烹饪设备采用苹果类设计 - 信息猎鹰
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35866/dell-roasted-at-ces-for-adopting-apple-like-device-names
Dell重brand所有的PC在CES 2025,它会采取更简单的方式处理。此前,其分类名为“XPS”和“Inspiron”。他们将在未来的展示中采用一个简化后的“三类”标签:Dell、Dell Pro和Dell Pro Max。由于与苹果的命名方法相同,因此观众对这个选择是默认的。
Dell在未来几年内将受到各种型号的笑话的嘲讽,直到那时。马达表示,我们可以期待在未来的一两年内看到一些有趣的新闻报道,因此我们将在CES 2025现场直播。
联想推出可长高笔记本电脑 - 笔记本电脑
source: https://sea.mashable.com/laptops/35871/lenovo-debuts-laptop-that-can-make-itself-grow
- 智能移动设备:ThinkBook Plus Gen 6 Rollable AI笔记本电脑,可瞬间扩大屏幕尺寸,提升操作效率和便利性。
- 多功能扩展:键盘或手部动作可快速扩展屏幅。
- 装饰设计:采用柔性OLED显示屏,具有滑动功能。
联想对这款笔记本电脑的描述是:“这是第一款专为最大化灵活性和可靠性而设计的产品。”用户可以将ThinkBook Plus Gen 6 Rollable折叠起来,最大限度地缩小它。同时,该设备还提供了多角度、立体观看体验,使你可以在你的屏幕上使用多个屏幕,并且可以实现垂直分屏。
联想推出的一代ThinkBook Plus Gen 6 Rollable AI笔记本电脑具有多种功能:折叠式的屏幕、可扩展的功能和多角度的视角体验。这款设备的设计简洁而实用,适用于各种工作场景,如编辑文档、写代码或创作内容等,使用户在不额外购买产品的情况下就能享受到便捷的操作。
CES 2025 带来了许多新信息:从 Nvidia 到 John Deere 的消息。
source: https://sea.mashable.com/tech/35872/ces-2025-live-updates-heres-what-we-know-from-nvidia-to-john-deere-announcements
CES 2025正在举行,这是全球最大的年度科技会议。Big Tech公司和小型初创企业都会前往拉斯维加斯,南佛蒙特州的贝尔法斯特参加每年的CES。今年,我们看到AI产品以及一些大新闻都在CES上展出。例如:LG、Nvidia等公司的创新新产品也展示了。各大科技巨头如三星和索尼也将展示他们的新硬件和软件。此外,许多初创公司将把他们的硬件和软件带到现场展示,并希望被发现。Tech World是 CES 2025 的地面团队,我们将在 CES 2025 上进行详细报道。要参加我们的产品代表的评选,请查阅更多信息。这个报道正在更新中,请随时关注我们的直播。